Imaging Alliance Elects Four Board Members

Imaging Alliance Elects Four Board Members

Diversity of Members Reflects Efforts to Expand Organization’s Influence


Woodbury, NY—The Imaging Alliance, a nonprofit organization representing the imaging industry, announced four new board members who reflect the industry’s diverse aspects. These members signify a new scope for the trade association’s influence.

The newly added board members are: Cathi Nelson, president/founder, the Association of Professional Photo Organizers (APPO); Jirair Christianian, president, Mike’s Camera, Boulder, Colorado; Rick Voight, CEO, Vivid-Pix; and Hans Hartman, chair, Mobile Photo Connect.


Cathi Nelson

“We’ve envisioned that the Imaging Alliance board should represent a much more diverse view of the imaging industry,” said Jim Malcolm, president of the Imaging Alliance. “Bringing the many facets of our industry together, from manufacturers and retailers to software developers and research experts, will allow us to expand the purview of the Imaging Alliance to all facets of visual innovation.”

The organization’s board now totals 18 members. They represent leading camera and accessory manufacturers, printer makers, software developers, research analysts, retailers, publishers, consultants as well as consumer advocates.

Hans Hartman

Board Members Comment

“I believe in a strong industry association that can serve all segments of photography consumers. From professionals to those interested in artistic expression and the preservation of their family memories,” said Christianian. “I look forward to working together with manufacturers, distributors and service providers to grow our industry.”

Christianian’s 11-store retail chain, Mike’s Camera, is among the industry’s leaders.

Jirair Christianian

“With so many fast changes within the imaging industry and the larger tech industry that impact all of us, there is a need for a broadly supported industry voice,” added Hartman. “I’m excited to be a part of the group helping to shape this voice.”

Hartman’s organization is a respected imaging/tech consultancy.

“The Imaging Alliance will continue to broaden its board with a diverse group of industry executives that represent the future of our industry,” added Malcolm. “We’re proud to have Jirair, Rick, Cathi and Hans join our efforts to expand our views and contribute to the industry.”

Rick Voight


The Imaging Alliance Founding

Established in 2016, the Imaging Alliance brought together assets from two respected, longtime industry associations. These were the PhotoImaging Manufacturers and Distributors Association (PMDA) and the Photo Marketing Association International (PMAI). The trade organization actively promotes the economic growth and sustainable development of both current and future imaging applications. Its members work together to create a sense of community through philanthropic activities that support visual communications.