How To DVD on Baby Photography

How To DVD on Baby Photography


For millions of proud new parents, snapping frame-worthy photos of their babies often resulted in disappointment, frustration and ultimately a costly trip to the local portrait studio.

 Nick Kelsh, renowned photographer and author of eight photography books including the best-selling book “How to Photograph Your Baby” and “Naked Babies,” is introducing an easy-steps DVD that will have parents everywhere creating beautifully composed baby pictures in just a few minutes.  “How to Photograph Your Baby” (DVD) is a warm, entertaining, and poignant look at common photography mistakes and offers simple, fun and effective ways to instantly improve results with a few quick tips.
“How to Photograph Your Baby DVD” is available now here for $24.95.
“Simplicity is really the secret ingredient to creating a great photo of your child,”  says Nick Kelsh, who emphasizes that taking great pictures of your kids requires little-to-no technical background in photography.  “As a parent, you have 24/7 access to your child and the most precious moments occur in the home – not in a photographer’s studio.  This DVD was created to help you prepare for those moments, capture memories effortlessly and compose images that you will be proud to share for years to come,” added Kelsh.