“Projection Arena” at Photokina

“Projection Arena” at Photokina


Though Photokina isn’t until late September (23-28) this year, organizers are thinking big – in more ways than one. In keeping with a trend that (thankfully) is moving consumers away from viewing images on tiny 2-inch screens, Photokina is offering up what they are calling the Projection Arena, “Impressions XXL – an area on the show floor designed to show off images in some unique and rather “grand” ways.

This special area, which has been designed in the style of the Colosseum in Rome, exemplifies the emotional effect achieved by sheer size, show organizers tell us. Inside the “Colosseum,” information terminals and large-scale projected images invite visitors to find out more about the topic of digital projection. On the integrated stage, lectures on the technical aspects and presentations on the topic “Photography and Large Images” inform visitors about the fascinating potential of this form of image presentation. In addition, workshops demonstrate that everyone is capable of displaying images using this technology. No word yet on whether or not 3M or Texas Instruments will showcase their new mini-projection systems that are designed to allow consumers to project images from digicams and various handhelds as large as 40-inches with the touch of a button.

The goal of “Impressions XXL” is to show that there is a specific presentation and projection solution for every requirement, no matter how large or small the consumer’s budget might be. That applies to present-day “slide shows” in people’s own living rooms, as well as presentations in classrooms and business presentations.