LexJet Offering Free iPad with 42-inch or Wider Printer Purchase

LexJet Offering Free iPad with 42-inch or Wider Printer Purchase


Sarasota, FL—Anyone who buys a 42-inch-wide or wider inkjet printer from LexJet between now and Black Friday, November 26 (by midnight) will receive a free Apple iPad.

Black Friday is infamous for the retail stampedes caused by the day-after-Thanksgiving discounts and specials, but those who take advantage of the limited iPad offer will not have to fight any crowds; buyers can call a LexJet account specialist or order a 42-inch-wide or wider printer at LexJet’s website, lexjet.com.

“In addition to fantastic bundled offers from LexJet, the extension of the Section 179 tax incentives from the Federal government, and end-of-year rebates and specials from our printer manufacturer partners—Canon, Epson and HP—this Black Friday iPad offer is the perfect capper to the holiday season,” said LexJet product manager Alex Ried.

Qualifying printers for the LexJet offer include: Canon’s iPF8000S 44-inch production printer, iPF8300 44-inch photo printer, iPF9000S 60-inch production printers and iPF9100 60-inch photo printer; Epson’s GS6000 64-inch high-end solvent printer, 11880 64-inch photo printer, 9880 44-inch photo printer and 9900 44-inch photo printer; and HP’s Z6100 60-inch production printer, Z3200 44-inch photo printer and Z6200 42-inch and 60-inch photo printers.

To take advantage of this limited Black Friday offer, visit lexjet.com/FreeiPad or contact a LexJet account specialist at 800-453-9538.