CandyCam Adds SkyHook Mini to Rapid-Deploy Aerial Camera Platform

CandyCam Adds SkyHook Mini to Rapid-Deploy Aerial Camera Platform


Shawnee, KS—CandyCam developed SkyHook to elevate the craft of filmmaking to new heights. The SkyHook aerial camera platform is built to meet the needs of videographers for rapid deployment, flexibility and precision, while tackling many of the limitations of traditional positioning equipment.

To address the concerns of ease and affordability, the SkyHook product line consolidates all the movements conventionally offered by sliders, cranes, tracks and dollies into one platform, reducing the time and cost of setup and operation. And according to CandyCam, all SkyHook models offer an increased range of stabilized movement, enabling videographers “to capture complex shots that have been prohibitively difficult or required expensive custom rigs.”

In addition, all SkyHook models are engineered to enable videographers to plan, automate and repeat a series of scripted movements, “providing the user with flexibility, precision and control.”

CandyCam’s new SkyHook Mini is a cost-reduced model currently offered exclusively on Kickstarter that provides semiprofessional videographers the opportunity to experience a range of stabilized movement affordably. The SkyHook Mini is a remotely controlled robotic camera platform suspended over any space by eight cables via four anchor points. It supports high-definition cameras under 32 ounces and can be programmed to shoot scripted sequences, or flown without a predefined path to allow impromptu moments to be captured.