Jazz App Creates Photo Styling Possibilities for Mobile Images

Jazz App Creates Photo Styling Possibilities for Mobile Images


Los Angeles, CA—Jazz, a new mobile application that allows users to transform their iPhone and iPad photos into “works of art,” officially launched in the iTunes Store for $.99. The photo-editing app is designed to give users an unlimited number of photo styles at the touch of a button, while allowing control of every feature so they can refine the look of their photos manually if they choose.

Jazz’s creator, Ray Giarratana, is an award-winning visual effects director from a top Hollywood visual effects studios with a long career spanning films, television commercials and music videos. His frustration with the limitations of current photo editing apps led him to create Jazz.

“I wanted something that would give me the options that a power user like myself would want, but at the same time, I wanted it to be simple enough for my kids to use and get the same great results. And on top of it all, it’s extremely fun to see what Jazz will create.”

Jazz starts in “quartet” view with a photo from the user’s photo album or camera and improvises four creative looks. When the G-clef button is touched, Jazz improvises four more looks, or as many as wanted. Once users see a style they like, they touch the photo to go to solo view and further refine and edit the photo. When done creating, users can share their images via Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr through Jazz’s one-touch interface.

“If you know the look you want, Jazz’s 15 powerful filters can get you there easily and intuitively,” said Giarratana. “But the real fun comes when you’re not sure about the look you want. That’s where Jazz shines. At the touch of a button, Jazz can improvise an unlimited number of unique looks and styles to inspire your creative needs.”

The app’s 15 image-processing filters include: film treatment, tones, vignette, bloom, color balance, spot focus and creative filters such as plastic and glass, and dirt, grunge and schmutz. jazztheapp.com