PIR’s December 2012 Editorial: Kudos to Paul’s Photo

PIR’s December 2012 Editorial: Kudos to Paul’s Photo


We’d like to congratulate Paul and Mark Comon, owners of Paul’s Photo, for being named our 2012 Dealer of the Year.

We’ve been asked how we determine our Dealer of the Year each December, and the answer isn’t always simple. We’re not necessarily looking for the largest dealer, or the greatest number of stores, or an old friend. We’re looking for dealers who are trying to shake things up a bit—moving away from the status quo and maybe taking a risk or two along the way.

Paul’s Photo fit the bill perfectly. In business for more than 50 years, it took son Mark’s prodding and Paul’s willingness to break down the walls between Paul’s Photo and the vacant store next door to expand their inspirational training classes into a state-of-the-art classroom and studio. They also cut down on their inventory, cleaned up their retail space and expanded their in-store printing business with new equipment and new employees.

Paul’s Photo is also an inspirational story about how a father and son can grow together over 35 years in a family business, and then welcome the next generation into the fold. In our minds, any business that has stood the test of time for more than 50 years deserves praise and kudos.

The results are a bit too early to measure, but if enthusiasm is one of the barometers, Paul’s Photo is already way ahead. We wish them the best of luck and another 50 years of success.