June 2019 Editor’s Note: Saluting the Influencers on the Front Line

June 2019 Editor’s Note: Saluting the Influencers on the Front Line


June is one of my favorite issues of the year now that we’re  featuring our Superstars behind the Counter honorees. We came upon the idea of saluting the influencers on the front line last year when we were thinking about how to reward those unsung employees who are the backbone of most retail operations.

saluting the influencers Jerry-Grossman-cropped-7-2016
Jerry Grossman

Moreover, as the imaging industry’s only trade magazine, we feel it’s our job to keep those on the front lines informed not only about corporate news and new products but importantly about how products fare against each other in the same product categories. For example, our feature Full-Featured DSLRs for Enthusiasts & Serious Shooters puts those cameras in perspective for our readers. It’s the same with Rugged Point & Shoot Cameras for Outdoor Photography.

Sometimes our potential advertisers suggest they need to spend their budgets on consumer advertising. Our answer is always the same. If you influence the folks behind the counters, you are targeting your dollars in exactly the right place; at the people who will make informed recommendations to your customers.

Saluting the Influencers on the Front Line

For those behind the counter—from photo specialty stores to mass-market camera departments—we honor your hard work. And your perseverance in learning all there is to know about so many products. And also for offering your honest recommendations to the many customers that depend on you.

Furthermore, it’s clear from the many salutes you received in this issue that our entire industry appreciates the smiles you deliver every day.