Vivid-Pix Highlights Picture-Fix Software

Vivid-Pix Highlights Picture-Fix Software

Restore, Scuba, and Land & Sea Desktop Software Available for the Holidays; Land & Sea Now on iTunes for Mobile Devices

Vivid-Pix’s Picture-Fix consumer software products—Restore, Scuba and Land & Sea—allow even novice photographers to improve the look of their photos.

Alpharetta, GA—Vivid-Pix, a software company with a focus on photography, announced its patented, proprietary photo restoration technology is available in a trio of one-click, Picture-Fix consumer software products: Restore, Scuba and Land & Sea.

Restore is available this holiday season for the first time. Additionally, Land & Sea is also available now on iTunes for mobile devices.
Vivid-Pix-LogoEach Vivid-Pix product is specifically designed to fix image defects common to a particular type of imagery. They can enhance old or faded photos, as well as correct underwater photographs and everyday snapshots.

All three software applications are geared for the average photographer, with no learning curve needed. Restore is especially suited for family tree researchers or anyone with albums or shoeboxes of old photos.

Land & Sea as well as Scuba will appeal to travelers, enthusiast or novice photographers, whether their camera of choice is a high-end DSLR, a cell phone, an action cam or a wearable camera.

All three Picture-Fix products share Vivid-Pix’s patented image-enhancement technology that automatically eliminates unwanted color casts with a single click. Slider controls also allow users to fine-tune other enhancements as desired.

Additionally, all Vivid-Pix software provides a cropping tool to eliminate distracting elements and ensure the subject remains the center of interest in the final image.

Photo retailers can partner with Vivid-Pix to offer customers software for quick photo restoration.

Restore is designed to automatically enhance color, black-and-white and sepia faded images due to age, light, heat or humidity.

The software’s workflow is simple: a user selects one or more images from his or her collection, and the software presents nine color, lightness, sharpness and contrast-enhanced variations. The user then selects the one that looks best, fine-tunes as desired and saves the improved photo.

The enhanced images are saved separately from the original images, which are not altered. Saved files are ready to be printed in a photo book or sent to family or friends as an e-mail attachment. They can also be posted to an online family tree, gallery, social media site or archived.

Photo prints or slides must first be digitized, which can be done by the user or through a local retailer’s scanning service. Restore can also improve cell phone camera photos.

Scuba software is specifically for dive-depth photography. By applying its patented imaging technology, it eliminates the loss of contrast and color shifting typical of underwater photographs. It minimizes the unwanted color effects brought about by increased dive depth, loss of light, clarity and sharpness.

To make it easier for photographers to adjust land-based pictures, Vivid-Pix developed LAND & SEA.

Land & Sea offers the ability to improve pool and snorkel photos. Its one-click improvements to ordinary photos make images look better. It can correct such problems as an image looking too dark or too light, colors that look wrong, an annoying tilted horizon, or tiny subjects when the subject appears too far away.

With Land & Sea users can also control image rotation, lightness, contrast, sharpness and color correction automatically or manually. Once satisfied with the image, the software enables them to save it as a full resolution file or as a low resolution HD file for e-mailing or sharing on social media. They can additionally save the image in both file sizes.

Vivid-Pix Picture-Fix Software Pricing

Vivid-Pix photo restoration software sells for the following SRPs: Restore (Windows only), $79.99; Scuba (Windows/Mac), $49.99; Land & Sea (Windows/Mac), $24.99; and Land & Sea for Apple iOS/Android, $4.99 (Android available soon). Land & Sea+ for iOS/Android provides Scuba-depth image improvement and other features for a $19.99 in-app additional purchase (Android available soon).