X-Rite Free September Webinars Provide Color Management Tutorials for Pros, Enthusiasts and...

X-Rite Free September Webinars Provide Color Management Tutorials for Pros, Enthusiasts and Labs


Elmsford, NY—X-Rite Photo Marketing announced its schedule of September webinars that have been developed to address specific color management topics and are designed to appeal to both professional and serious amateur photographers.

Five free webinar topics are targeted at helping photographers gain confidence and learn “quick, easy and powerful ways to enhance their color workflow.” Webinar attendees will also have the opportunity to ask questions to the live trainers.

“Consistent, accurate color management remains an important building block for photographers seeking professional looking images,” said Mark Rezzonico, vice president, X-Rite Photo Marketing. “In September, our free educational webinars will again teach interested photographers how X-Rite’s line of color management tools can bring their digital photography color to new levels. Also this month we are pleased to feature two new webinars, one hosted by professional photographer Jim DiVitale and cosponsored by Nik Software, as well as the first webinar in a three-part series to improving color management skills.”

                                       September Webinar Schedule

September 14, 2011, 12:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. EDT
The Creative Edge in Digital Photography with Jim DiVitale

In this webinar, DiVitale demonstrates for professional photographers and photo enthusiasts problem-solving techniques using digital capture and image processing with X-Rite color management solutions and Nik Software plug-ins to streamline both the creative and production of the digital imaging workflow.

Topics will include: calibrating and profiling camera, monitor, and printer for complete color management using X-Rite ColorChecker Passport, ColorMunki Display, and ColorMunki Photo; using Nik HDR Efex Pro to process multiple exposures; working with Nik Viveza 2 to control luminosity and contrast; and using Nik Silver Efex 2 to create stunning black-and-white images.

September 16, 2011, 10:00 a.m. EDT
Improve Your Color Management Skills, Part 1

Photographers can improve their color management skills by joining professional photographer and X-Rite Coloratti Jon R. Trengereid for part one of a three-part education series and complete introduction to Adobe Lightroom 3. This webinar is designed to help photographers get the best out of their equipment, speed up their workflow, gain greater control over their raw files and get accurate colors every time.

Part 1 includes: An Intro to Basic Color Management; 3 Color Spaces You Need to Know; RAW 16 Bit versus 18 Bit; and Traditional RAW versus Adobe DNG. Part 2 takes place in October and Part 3 in November. To register for Part 1 visit 1.gotomeeting.com/register/918077673.

September 20, 2011, 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. EDT
Stop Guessing – Start Knowing! Accurate Monitor Color with X-Rite

Knowing that a monitor is accurately showing the true color and tonal range of images is the most important step to getting great prints. If a monitor isn’t properly calibrated and profiled, photographers could be guessing whenever they make edits to their images. This webinar is for anyone who has had trouble getting prints that match the image on their monitor. Attendees will learn how X-Rite’s two new display solutions—ColorMunki Display and i1Display Pro—offer the latest hardware and software for color calibration and profiling of displays, laptops and projectors.

September 22, 2011, 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. EDT
RAW Color Power with Adobe Lightroom and the ColorChecker Passport

This webinar will instruct pro photographers and photo enthusiasts on how to quickly capture accurate color, enhance portraits and landscapes, create their own color look with one click, and maintain color control and consistency. Topics include: Creating and Using Camera Profiles; Custom White Balance with the X-Rite ColorChecker Passport; One-Click Accurate Color Edits; Matching Color Response of Two or More Cameras; Matching Color Response under Different Lighting Conditions; Color Editing in Adobe Lightroom; and Color Editing in Adobe Photoshop.

September 29, 2011, 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. EDT                               Beyond Monitor Calibration – Get Prints That Match Your Display!

Geared for wedding, portrait and landscape photographers as well as photo lab professionals and enthusiasts doing their own printing, this webinar, featuring X-Rite ColorMunki Photo, will teach attendees how to put a color managed workflow in place from capture through printer output, including creating custom profiles and learning how to use them correctly to produce prints that match a display every time. Topics include: Monitor to Print Matching (Calibration and Profiling); Obtaining Consistent Color In-Camera; Benefits of Creating and Using Custom Printer Profiles; Soft-Proofing in Adobe Photoshop; Applying Printer Profiles in Photoshop; and Digital Projector Profiling.

Webinar registration can be found on XritePhoto.com. Visit the webinar page found under the Learning section. X-Rite Color Checker Passport, i1Solutions, ColorMunki Display and ColorMunki Photo are distributed by Elmsford, New York-based MAC Group. macgroupus.com