The Perfect Opportunity to Broaden Your Horizons

The Perfect Opportunity to Broaden Your Horizons


As publishers of the Photo Industry Reporter Show Dailies at PMA for the last 20 years, our mission has always been to bring our readers news about our industry that could help you thrive and prosper. With the PMA show colocating this year with the International CES, our mission remains true.

The Consumer Electronics Association agreed to allow us to publish the Official CES Digital Imaging/Photography dailies this year because they recognize that while the digital imaging industry has quickly become an integral part of the consumer electronics landscape, it also is vibrant enough to need its own voice.

We assured them there was enough news within our industry for a publication to stand on its own, and we also suggested that there would be enough advertising support from the many manufacturers and distributors in our industry, who would recognize the value of bringing the industry the imaging-specific news they need.  Fortunately, we were right on both fronts.

We will be bringing you two more issues of the Official CES Digital Imaging/Photography Daily, with up-to-the-minute news from the show floor and continuing coverage of product news as it happens.

The real value of veteran PMA attendees making the trek to the International CES is the opportunity to be exposed to the entire consumer electronics spectrum. Walk the halls with your eyes wide open, because there will be business opportunities where you may least expect them. As Gary Shapiro mentions in our interview that appears in a Strategy Session this month, if you don’t leave CES with 10 new ideas, or 10 new relationships, then it’s no one’s fault but your own.

So put on a pair of comfortable shoes, take a deep breath and expand your horizons at the International CES. You may find the key to your future success.