Five Tech Trends That Could Define the YouTube Generation

Five Tech Trends That Could Define the YouTube Generation


Arlington, VA–According to the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA), “The next generation of CES attendees will never have known the tethered life. Desktop PCs are near relic and laptops are quickly being replaced by smaller portable devices.”

CEA took a look at the pairing of screens and YouTube kids, and saw five broad trends for 2015.

1. As Consumers, Kids Hold the Cards

They talk back to and get involved emotionally with the brands they love to a degree their parents did not.

2. The Rise of the Makers

Some of the buzzworthy playthings in a kid’s toy box have a “maker” mentality; e.g., Little Bits encourage girls to build electronics, and LEGO encourages builders to fuse real and virtual spaces with augmented reality tools.

3. Robots for All

The current crop takes robot power well beyond an on-off switch.

4. Casual versus Hard-Core Gaming

Despite advances in gaming graphics and gesture and voice interfaces, game makers still need to convince kids the entertainment systems are where they want to be.

5. Kiddie Wearables

By January, you’ll see a number of new products showcasing wearable social media, locators and other nifty body ware for kids.

Source: CEA/Living in Digital Times