DIR October 2014 Editor’s Note: An Abundance of Innovation

DIR October 2014 Editor’s Note: An Abundance of Innovation


With photokina just behind us, and the fall selling season here and now, Digital Imaging Reporter is happy to report key product introductions that may send plenty of prospects into your stores in the coming months.

As we all know, photokina comes around every two years. While most of you may have chose not to make the trip to Cologne, that won’t stop the innovation in our industry from arriving at your doorsteps in the coming weeks. Jason Schneider’s article on the news at photokina points to new, advanced DSLRs and high-end mirrorless cameras from the likes of Canon, Nikon, Olympus, Fujifilm, Ricoh, Panasonic and Samsung—and some incredible lenses from Tamron and Sigma. And all ship in time for the holidays.

The fall also brings the PRO convention, which I was lucky enough to attend this year. I felt the usual camaraderie and excitement, but all the while understanding the challenges that face our industry. The strength of the photo specialty retailer is never more apparent then when they’re all sitting in one room, exuding confidence and creating new programs and ideas to help grow our industry.

In this issue, we’re also happy to bring you the latest on professional photo printers, which are great for promoting add-one sales by keeping customers coming back for inks and paper. As we know all too well, there’s no better margin than the one that keeps on giving.

There’s no reason not to feel confident in our industry when, despite competition from the CE industry, we continue to answer the bell and come out fighting. Best of luck for the coming holiday season.