Carbon Compound Enhances LensPen’s Cleaning Effectiveness

Carbon Compound Enhances LensPen’s Cleaning Effectiveness


Vancouver, Canada—LensPen, a tool for cleaning lenses, screens and DSLR sensors, owes its effectiveness to the unique carbon compound the product uses to absorb oils and contaminants, including fingerprints, while leaving no residue on glass surfaces.

Cleaning tips and pads on LensPen products are all impregnated with a carbon compound that is similar to the one found in printer’s ink (the reason why newspapers have been used to clean windows for generations).

“Nikon, Canon, NASA and the United States Marine Corps are among the many organizations that trust LensPen products,” said Ryan Keating, vice president of marketing for the LensPen Group. “They not only buy them, they put their names on them as well.”

LensPen puts carbon to work in products specially designed to clean lenses of all shapes and sizes, iPad and tablet screens, and DSLR sensors. All LensPen lens cleaners include a soft, retractable brush for removing loose dust and a carbon-impregnated cleaning tip for removing fingerprints from lenses on everything from DSLR and cell phone to iPad cameras.

Additionally, the company’s SideKick is designed to remove fingerprints from iPad and tablet touch screens. The cleaning pad on a SideKick is thicker and larger than the cleaning tip on any LensPen lens cleaner. And SideKick replacement cleaning pads are available. For sensors, SensorKlear II, with its carbon tip and articulating head, works with the SensorKlear Loupe to clean any DSLR sensor.

“Nothing works like a LensPen,” Keating said. “Tissues and cloths will remove some of the oil, but a thin residue will remain, and it will continue to build over time. Lab tests have proven LensPen products to be the most effective way to remove fingerprints.”

ToCAD America is the exclusive distributor of LensPen products to the photographic market in the U.S. and